Last Monday I went to see the Barbie movie with friends. It was a private party with a whole theater rented out! We all dressed up, I wanted to wear lolita but it's still way too hot and fussy for it, so I opted for something more casual. At least my socks are still Angelic Pretty! I felt incredibly blessed to not only be invited but to feel well enough to do so... all those little things like going to the movies, I really took for granted. During the movie I had buffalo cauliflower for dinner, a dish I always look forward to when I come to this particular theater! 
Another pair of kitty shoes wore out the other day! I was sad to see them go, but I have a spare pair so I think I can at least make it until next year to buy new ones. These have been my daily shoes forever! I wear them until they have holes, then buy a new pair. Rinse and repeat. I walk a lot, so I buy a new pair maybe every year and a half. I've definitely worn out at least 6 pairs by now!
I bought some new boots at Target! They're in kid sizes but their size 5 fits perfect. The stock image doesn't show it much, but they have glitter!! I had a hard time deciding between the lace-up boots and the moto-style boots, but ultimately I decided on the ones on the left. Maybe if they're still in stock next paycheck I can get the other ones, we'll see!
I'm still so sad I can't have these rainboots, my calves are too big for them. They haunt me every time I pass by the shoe section in Target.
A couple of friends were kind enough to humor my obsession and watched Death Island with me! I really enjoyed it! The RE CGI movies aren't known for having a good story or anything like that, it's just fun to see your favorite characters in action for an hour and a half! Chris was so cute with his puppy-dog eyes... Leon's snarky quips always make me laugh and I loved seeing my favorite ladies pull through and save the day! The cast of this movie has made it kind of like "The Avengers of Resident Evil movies" which is hilarious.
I got a new sketchbook! Isn't the gold foil so pretty? I'm actually glad to be done with my old one because the paper was way too thin. I've attempted to draw in it a couple of times but I hated what I drew so I tore out both pages and don't consider it "started " yet. I'm going through such a bad art block this year! The difference is that I still have work to do, so I continue to draw even though I don't like anything I make lately, and haven't for months, except when it comes to Iris. I'd rather keep drawing than not though, I'd regret it even more if I stopped drawing entirely.
Sunday was International Decora Day, so I dressed up and went out to play games with some friends and even got to meet a lot of new people! We ended up doing karaoke as well at the spur of the moment and it was so much fun~ I guess you wouldn't be able to tell by my website, but most of my wardrobe is actually black, so it felt really nice to dress up so colorfully not once, but twice so close together! I'm glad I pushed myself to go, because I was really feeling lazy and almost stayed home. I also debuted my Chris ita bag and kept Travis close to me. 
Afterwards, I picked up dinner with Bear. We've gotten a banh mi twice this month, and while I was down for round three, I could tell he wanted comfort food so he got some mac and cheese and I got the steak and veggies I had been craving for a while. While driving home we noticed a sign for this Captain Crunch smoothie... and morbid curiosity got the better of me. Honestly? It was pretty good! 
I looked through the WonFes gallery, and there were some nice looking figures and prototypes, and a couple of surprising announcements but not much that struck my fancy... I am super happy to see Kirakishou though!! She is soooo beautiful, and a day one pre-order for me. 
This Skull Knight also looks very cool but I can only imagine how expensive he's going to be! I think I'm ok with just looking, I don't know where I would put him anyway.
Not that I have been terribly active this month, but I might be taking a bit of a hiatus for August. I need to really buckle down and prep to at least try to make up for the time I lost when I was sick. It's not going to be fun, but hopefully the payoff will be worth it! Con cunch is so stressful. 
Can you believe my bed? They multiply no matter how hard I try to keep my collection numbers down...