
All entries contain spoilers, read at your own risk.


~10 hours


I asked Bear to let me borrow his Switch copy since I prefer the comfort of handheld gaming, but I actually have it on Steam! I played it for maybe an hour with him, then closed it and never touched it again for whatever reason (might have been the the defect in my brain that causes me to reject oversaturated media because of how much I become subjected to it on social media against my will). Now that I've finally finished it nearly a decade later, and on a different platform at that, all I can say is WOW... I really did a disservice to myself by not continuing to play it all those years ago. Toby Fox really created something special and I absolutely consider UT a classic game everyone should play after getting the true pacifist ending.

The Earthbound influence is strong, but it's still very distinctly its own thing (I'll have to play through Toby's EB Halloween mod sometime). I found myself laughing all throughout the game, the humor is very charming and really brightens your day. The combat is unique and I enjoyed experiencing it although I did get frustrated at times because I'm not great at dodging attacks. The music is PHENOMENAL, isn't it crazy how much atmosphere you can create with such a simple looking game as long as there's good sound direction?

I did get teary eyed, a lot... I cried during the end of EB too, so I was kind of expecting it. Flowey, I'm sorry for calling you a Newgrounds game looking boss and for making all those I'm a thirsty little flower jokes. I'm glad everyone got their happy ending, but what about poor Asriel!! I guess the power of love, friendship and determination can't undo what's already been done. I loved the Switch exclusive boss, Mad Mew Mew!! I want to watch Mew Mew Kissy Cutie so bad!

Burgerpants got a little too real for me, if I'm honest...

Whoa, no way! Flowey is a No More Heroes fan?!

After I finished the true pacifist ending, I wanted to attempt a genocide run just to see if I could, But Flowey's message made me feel so sad that I didn't have the heart to do it. Maybe I'll try it on my Steam copy since I had already killed a monster on that one. I know your game is "ruined" after you complete a genocide run, but I actually found the alternate ending quite funny, it reminded me of the ending to MJ's Thriller MV. Sorry if it seems I'm cheapening the deeper implications of the ending, that was just my kneejerk reaction! Favorite characters? Muffet of course!! Napstablook and Sans and Pap. I also loved the designs of Woshua, Vulkin, and Tsunderplane. The laboratory spooked me! This is a game I hope to return to again and again, thankfully it has so many different endings!


Splatoon 3

This is the most unfun game I've ever had the displeasure of playing. I've played nearly 300 hours of it.

Bear usually plays with me and we have matching names most of the time. Other names I've used in-game include Stufful, Dunkaccino, and my current ChipiChipi to go with Bear's ChapaChapa. My squid is very cute!! Mr. Grizz did nothing wrong. I think, despite all the times this game has called upon my temper, it still reminds me of how it feels to be a kid during Summer, having fun playing outside and having seemingly all the time in the world.