Currently Reading: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Song of the day: Visiting Hours by Kero Kero Bonito
January 30th, 2024
It's already back to being warm again! I really enjoyed the misty, cold days we had a week and a half ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if Winter is already done at this point. There's some residual congestion, but I've almost completely recovered from the cold Bear graciously gave to me, thankfully it was fairly mild! On Saturday we watched the Royal Rumble. We've made it a yearly tradition to watch it with a friend who does not watch wrestling at all, but this year she also caught a cold and had to cancel. Get well soon!
I haven't been keeping up with wrestling in what feels like an eternity, but it was nice to see everyone again!! Very happy to see Randy Orton back in the ring, did anyone else notice he's even more buff than before?! AJ Styles too. I was surprised Jade didn't win the women's rumble! She was close, but I guess I'm ok with Bayley taking that championship match at Wrestlemania. Very excited to see Cody win the men's rumble but I doubt he'll take the belt from Roman, if I'm honest... The company just favors Roman way too much.

Congratulations Asuka and Kairi on your tag team championship!!! I was so, so happy to see them again, especially since Kairi had temporarily left at one point. I got to meet Kairi in person after an NXT show years ago!! She's even more adorable when she's right in front of you, it was so worth fighting the crowd to see her. Coincidentally, I'm wearing my Asuka shirt right now. Check out her personal channel, KanaChanTV!

A Christmas package from a friend arrived recently!! I am so, so blessed!! She got me the BABW Purin and Muffin!! I love Purin's jammies so much, and yes his charm point is intact! Muffin doesn't have a booty for some reason which just feels wrong. Am I going to have to embroider one myself? She also sent me a bunch of skin care, some clothing for my future custom doll of myself (to be with Travis and Chris!!) and wrote me such a sweet and thoughtful letter, on tea stained paper too!

Purin is so soft and perfect!! I'm glad he has Muffin by his side.

The kind of dumb stuff you get from me when we're friends. Her package should be arriving today too... I always forget to send tracking numbers, oops.
Last week we went out for my mom's birthday dinner, at Red Lobster. I had never been and while my sister and I don't care much for seafood, I at least love shrimp and had some tasty shrimp pasta. I surprised my mom with some flowers, perfume rollers, and a cat shaped salt lamp as a throwback to when she had seventeen cats growing up. My mom got after me for spending too much on her (teasingly, affectionately calling me flaquita because of the weightloss since I last saw her) but she told me she felt special and especially loved the salt lamp! She named it Garfield. I don't often get to see my family so it was really bittersweet to see everyone and listen to them reminisce about when they were younger, especially any talk about grandma and my uncle who passed two years prior to her. Thank you for a lovely evening everyone.