Layout by Repth
Avatar by Madoka Kinoshita


Listening to: Sick Shit by Together Pangea

Currently Playing: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story

June 30th, 2024

It's the last day of June, so I feel compelled to write an entry before the month is over. Happy birthday to Usagi and Chibiusa Tsukino!! I guess I'll talk about Sailor Moon for a bit since I don't feel like drawing them right now. Sailor Moon, along with Pokémon were my introduction to anime and why I started drawing, so the series still holds a special place in my heart! Such good memories of watching all the seasons up to SuperS before and after school, and collecting all the dubbed VHS tapes since this was before subbed anime was widely available. There's even a picture of me dressed as Sailor Moon for Halloween and holding my Moon Stick while watching TV. In high school I watched the whole series over again, the live action PGSM (I definitely recommend it if you don't mind tokusatsu cheese) and some of the early musicals.

As much as I regret getting rid of all my toys and would like to replace some of them, a few years ago I swore off any and all Sailor Moon merch entirely due to the sheer saturation of it and competition for vintage items among fans. My wallet and my shelves thank me for it, heheh. If there's one thing I still wish I had though, it's this holographic poster I got from my 1st grade teacher. I swear she picked out that poster just for me even though she claimed any of the girls could win it as a prize. It remained pinned to my bedroom door for many, many years and I miss it.

Shout out to SakkysSailormoonToys for uploading a picture of this poster so I could relive my childhood memories.

What else... Bear and I have been to the pool a couple of times already, which was nice! I wanted to get a new swimsuit since mine is so old it has holes in it, but we had some really bad luck trying to get a new car and are out hundreds of dollars we're most likely not going to get back. Man, we just really can't catch a break. These past two years we've been trying to get a decent car within our budget and with our luck, either something would fall through or we'd have an emergency that wiped our savings, putting us back at square one again. I thought we could finally catch a break and say goodbye to the junker we currently use with no front windows or air conditioning, and I could finally learn how to drive, but it's been all put on hold yet again.

Sometimes you just need a greasy, delicious meal to numb the pain a little bit.

Art Fight starts tomorrow! I'm excited, this past week has been productive for me so I'm hoping this will help me keep up my streak and I'll finally get to draw for a bunch of peeps here on NC too! I only uploaded Iris, I contemplated uploading my NMH assassin sona but I haven't finished the reference for her yet. Oh, and I designed a fursona! Some people think Iris is my fursona, but she is not! She is my daughter and I love her very much. I can't wait for Summer to be over so I can do her faceup. I really like her, I don't think she'll ever replace Iris as my site mascot but I do like how she came out, and I'll make a full, finished reference of her later for fun.

I finally felt like picking up TMGS 3 earlier this month. I think I was saving it for a rainy day because I knew I'd be sad once I had experienced them all, but I was in the mood to play an otoge again. I love the fashion system and I'm excited for 3P mode and making the boys fight over me, it makes up for most of them being kind of bland! I don't know, no one has really caught my attention compared to the last two games, but that could change as I get their affection up. I don't have a favorite so far despite being drawn to Konno and Kouichi when I first started.

I will say though, even though the boys haven't captured my heart, the girls have!! Miyo and Karen are the best girls in the whole series and I wish you could date them too... Karen especially, she's such a tease!! And she's tall and stands up for the MC when Kouichi is being mean, and points out that Konno is a fashion disaster. She's so perfect. I'm so glad the third game did away with rival mode, bombs, and that horrific chocolate stirring mini game.

I'll have to make a whole page dedicated to this series, it definitely deserves more than just a little review on my play log with how much time I've spent with it the past year. Konami captured lightning in a bottle with Girl's Side, these games are so addicting.

Song of the day: Funnel of Love by Wanda Jackson

Currently Playing: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story

June 11th, 2024

I just feel like blabbing about random fandom stuff today. A few items came in the mail for me! I've been cutting back on my spending a lot, but sometimes there's just an item or two I can't resist.

The first one is a print of Chris from StrangeKnives! I really love how this artist portrays Chris... even though he's an old man, he's so pretty here!! And the deco motif is too cute. I don't really buy prints anymore because the walls where I live are textured concrete, but I have a wonderful stockpile for when I (eventually? hopefully? maybe?) have my own place. Either way, looking at him makes me so giddy... I love everything this artist makes.

Next are two charms of Travis by PetiteGobline! Travis doesn't have much merch but I still have to buy every single one I come across and over the years I've amassed enough to fill a bag! I love his little earrings! He doesn't strike me as the type of guy to ever wear jewelry but I like it when guys wear small studs or hoops. Plus she drew him in his pink Bizarre Jelly outfit!! Complete with glitter!

A few days ago a friend of mine messaged me to tell me that Garage was coming to Switch! I want it, but it's even more expensive than the Steam version. It's not that I'm opposed to paying $25 for it, it's just that I already bought it and finished one of the routes on mobile, which was only $5. What a steal! I need to go back and play it... I last finished my first route in 2022 and I've been thinking about the world and the characters a lot lately. When I finish at least one more route, I'd like to make a shrine. What strange game that really stays with you, at least it did for me. Despite how disturbing everything looks, you actually grow quite attached to the characters, who are just trying to get through their daily grind just like us. I would go into more detail, but I'll save all of that for later. Look at how cute the icon looks on my phone with the Sanrio Summer theme!!

They had a goods campaign last year too! I got a light up badge and lamp, I should have gotten a mug or a shirt but I already have too many cups and I don't like white shirts...

On June 26th, Yume Nikki will be 20 years old. Holy cow! Already nearly old enough to drink? Where does the time go... Yume Nikki is a game that's really special to me, so I want to finally finish this painting I've been putting off for years and years now, I think the original sketch of Madotsuki here is probably almost 10 years old now. I'm going to try to push myself to finish it by the 26th and stop being so scared of painting!! The composition isn't the best, and you can really tell how dated it is from that horrific Medamaude, but you know what? Finished and imperfect is better than it continuing to sit and rot on my hard drive.

Song of the day:
POLLYANNA (I BELIEVE IN YOU) by Catherine Warwick

June 9th, 2024

The other day, the Travis keychain in my bag fell out while settling in my seat during my morning commute to work. It's like he was saying "Hey, you forgot to clip me to your shorts!" and trying to get my attention. Ahh, I'm lovesick again... I went through my Switch screenshots for my play log and geez, I really did screencap pretty much the whole game, didn't I? Bear even teased me about it, heh.

I got my new bed a little over a week ago!! I went with my mom to pick up the mattress and she helped me take out my old worn out mattress and box spring and build the frame she bought me a year ago. Bear was supposed to help me build it, but then everything happened and we just never got around to it. I was worried the bed frame would take up a lot of space, but it actually takes up slightly less room than that bulky box spring, and now I have storage space underneath my bed! I'm so grateful for my mom, and for the time we spent together. We had a strained relationship for the longest time, but now I understand just how hard of a life she had and how remorseful she is over our past. Her health has been concerning these past couple of years, so I just want us to get healthy together.

Even though we're not "officially" in Summer yet, the season is in full swing. I have to wait until past 8PM to ride my bike because it's so scorching out already (and it'll only get hotter from here ). I want to go swimming so bad!! For now, I'll just enjoy snowcones and cold smoothies with lychee jelly. There were Sonic themed snowcones near us so we had to go! Sonic's is blue raspberry with a Sour Patch sauce. Delicious! All the candy pooled to the bottom and I couldn't finish it all, haha. They also came with themed spoons, but we got unlucky and got the same one! I like Knuckles and all, but come on... at least the cups are reusable too.

It's & Knuckles, not & Knuckles & Knuckles!!

June mail gets! I got a few things. The first was a pack of Trigun mochi plush. I was actually thinking of cancelling my pre-order for them, but I thought about how this is the only piece of Livio merch I'd have and decided to keep it. Next were my Nendo doll faceplates from Bear!! I don't know why I tormented myself over which skin tone to get, they're really both quite similar. Now to collect other parts so I can sit in between Travis and Chris!! Finally, Bear also got us a pack of Miraculous Ladybug acrylic stands to split. They're so cute!!

The pack also came with a big can badge of emo Vash that I forgot to take a picture of. Livio and Wolfwood are missing their tans!! But I suppose I can overlook it since they're so cute. I gave Wolfwood to Bear and I'll be giving Knives to an artist alley friend of mine.

His smile and optimism: gone

They are SO cute!! Here's Luka, next to the little keychain that holds my teeth collection. The color matches him!

Next, I got some gift packages from a couple of friends. I'm so spoiled... Funnily enough, both of these friends have their birthdays coming up very soon so I've been on the hunt for their packages now! First, I got the Sweet Support plush with Pichu and Pikachu!! Don't cry little baby... I love them so much. This is seriously one of the cutest plush series I've ever seen. How am I supposed to swear off stuffed animals when they keep releasing irresistible ones like this? That reminds me that I saw the new sweets series plush and nearly lost my mind over the Piplup crepe plush. Stop doing this to me!!

She also got me a Tama acrylic stand, I'm going to put them next to my Chris shrine!! It's the illustration I have on my media page, titled Play Nurses. Thank you my Goomy!!

Then I got a package from mi gansita, te quiero mucho preciosa. She recently came back from a trip to the UK and Scotland and her pictures were absolutely breathtaking. She got me the unicorn ornament from there!! I was so happy about the Paddington pouch because I think you can never have too many of those. The little bear's name is Barty (short for Bartholomew) and he is clipped to my everyday bag now! I was so surprised to see the copy of The Secret Garden... it's beautiful, I sat there for a while just turning the pages and marveling at the pop-ups and the illustrations. I've been itching to re-read it too, it's like she knew! I also got a little CCS Kitty and a (literal) baby My Melody. They're soo cute!!

Who let this bear drive?! And the cotton candy she sent me! I'm still so tickled the packaging has a unicorn on it. I'm going to eat it with Bear.

I went to my cousin's graduation. Usually anything that reminds me of the passage of time and the days that are long behind me make me panic, but I had a good time. It was outdoors which I was worried about, but it wasn't unbearably hot and there was a nice fireworks show afterward!! It was so nice to catch up with everyone, and the food at the post ceremony celebration was delicious. Maybe I should have joined my mom and tried to have a beer after all.

Song of the day: Waiting for the Taking by Riot

May 25th, 2024

It's still May, but since this will be my only entry for the month, I'll go ahead and roll it into my June diary. I didn't really have anything of note to talk about! Nothing good anyway, everything just seemed to be going wrong. Something else would fall through and I'd sigh and quote this image again.

It's been about a year since my jaw problems started. I've lost over 40 lbs from a combination of anxiety/stress and just plain not being able to eat. It was definitely weight I needed to lose, but I think I'd happily gain it all back tomorrow and start over again if it meant none of this ever happened. Oh well, things are improving now at least, even if I'm worse for wear. All I can really do is shrug and keep going, and I want to thank my loved ones for their support, patience, and friendship. Everyone inspires me to be creative, and encourage me to keep going. I love you all.

Package from a friend!! She said she had been building up this one for a while and it was so, so worth the wait. Thank you my precious rain drop!! I'll get you back for this one!

I love everything!! The Pocky pencils are almost too cute to use... and she has a matching Cinna headband to my Pompom~ Can you believe she got me not one, but TWO Pompom the Forbidden Ones?! The boxes still smelled like McDonald's too, which I was amazed by. That greasy smell really does permeate everything.

She also drew me such a handsome Chris!! And a pin that was on my wishlist!! How did you know?! Mad Max Chris is my favorite costume, second to only his silly little sailor suit. Into my Chris ita bag they go!


Last weekend I sold at a tiny market. I usually avoid these little pop-up events at drink shops because they just seem like a waste of time, but I was a little desperate since one con cancelled last minute and I didn't win the lottery for the other big con I usually do. It went terribly! The table fee was $25 and it took me 3 hours to get it back. I just decided to pack up early because I wanted to make it to my great-grandma's 100th birthday party.

In the future I will definitely be avoiding these markets, just like I avoid tabling in a certain city in my state. Being burned twice is enough, I don't need to see if the third time is the charm!

And people kept asking to buy my Sonny Angel figures instead of my art! The event was themed around them so it makes sense, but no you cannot have them! They are MINE!!

I got a haircut again. I actually liked my length, it was just about bra-strap length but with the heat and my scalp being extra sensitive lately, I figured it would be better to just chop it off again for now instead of tying it up all the time. There goes the last of my red hair from 2022! So it only takes me a couple of years to completely grow it out to chin length, that's kind of cool to know. My favorite part of getting a haircut is the shampoo, it's such a luxury to have someone else wash your hair for you.

I'm not sure what happened, but short hair doesn't really look cute and youthful on me anymore! My hair poofed out as it dried and I looked like an onigiri head, so to tame it I went back to going full berries and cream again with my straightener. It took less time than I remember, and it'll be easier to manage.

That same afternoon, my mom took me out to eat at one of my favorite spots and I was so happy she ended up really enjoying it too. Afterwards, we went to Ikea (they were playing Donuts Mind If I Do!!) and she let me pick out a mattress as my gift. It was her first time going and she was so amazed, we had a lot of fun going through the displays and pretending we lived there. We even ended up getting lost and almost didn't make it out of there alive, phew... That place totally sucks you into a vortex. Anyway, I'm so happy!! In a week or two I'll finally have a new bed to sleep on. I was supposed to buy a mattress last year with my con earnings, but then everything happened and my savings got completely wiped. No more sunken in spots and springs poking me!!

Delicious... I let Bear take the leftovers home since I felt bad going to eat there without him. The restaurant also had some gochujang caramel cookies for sale and I really liked them! I hope they're there again next time I go.

I'm 30 now! I began the day with a late night watch party of Big O with Flonne and another yume friend. I decided not to plan anything after all so after waking up I just lounged around in bed until I finally felt like getting dressed up. I wore Sugary Carnival. I still can't believe I achieved my dream of being head to toe in Angelic Pretty and finally own my dream dress from when I was 15...

I can't believe how short this dress is! I'm under 5 feet tall and it hits my knees.

Bear really spoiled me!! He got me an airbrush which I was totally taken aback by?! I'm excited about the potential, but also a little nervous and overwhelmed... I could use it for doll and garage kit painting! And he could use it too! I have so much to learn... The air pressurizer is bulky so I have no idea where I'm going to store it yet.

We spent the afternoon going around town, first to a local bakery for a cheesecake and macarons for us to share, then Korean for dinner because I was craving kimchi. After dinner, we went shopping and played some games at our usual spot! Got my free drink at SB and I had no idea their refreshers had caffeine! It was crazy, I felt a buzz almost instantly from just a few sips. I haven't any caffeine in about a year, so it makes sense my tolerance would be completely gone. I let Bear have most of it since I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sleep if I drank more, but at least this means I can go back to tea now.

An unexpected surprise at our dinner table!! I thought I saw a familiar looking arm on the soda can and was shocked to find Colossus!! He really got me through a rough 2018 and I look back on our time together fondly. I'm so excited to see him again in the newest Deadpool movie! It was truly a happy, happy Flat Fuck Friday.

We ended the day with a late night showing of Furiosa with a friend. The past couple of times we've been going to the movies at this fancy new theater that really gives you the dinner with a movie experience packaged into one, and I like their menu much better than the other theater we usually go to! The movie was great but I'm already a fan of Mad Max, Anya, and revenge story plots. I'll write about it later on my watch log.

My son, he is sick. This is my sickly son, Taffy. He has an unknown terminal disease.