Listening to: Sick Shit by Together Pangea
Currently Playing: Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story
June 30th, 2024
It's the last day of June, so I feel compelled to write an entry before the month is over. Happy birthday to Usagi and Chibiusa Tsukino!! I guess I'll talk about Sailor Moon for a bit since I don't feel like drawing them right now. Sailor Moon, along with Pokémon were my introduction to anime and why I started drawing, so the series still holds a special place in my heart! Such good memories of watching all the seasons up to SuperS before and after school, and collecting all the dubbed VHS tapes since this was before subbed anime was widely available. There's even a picture of me dressed as Sailor Moon for Halloween and holding my Moon Stick while watching TV. In high school I watched the whole series over again, the live action PGSM (I definitely recommend it if you don't mind tokusatsu cheese) and some of the early musicals.
As much as I regret getting rid of all my toys and would like to replace some of them, a few years ago I swore off any and all Sailor Moon merch entirely due to the sheer saturation of it and competition for vintage items among fans. My wallet and my shelves thank me for it, heheh. If there's one thing I still wish I had though, it's this holographic poster I got from my 1st grade teacher. I swear she picked out that poster just for me even though she claimed any of the girls could win it as a prize. It remained pinned to my bedroom door for many, many years and I miss it.

Shout out to SakkysSailormoonToys for uploading a picture of this poster so I could relive my childhood memories.

What else... Bear and I have been to the pool a couple of times already, which was nice! I wanted to get a new swimsuit since mine is so old it has holes in it, but we had some really bad luck trying to get a new car and are out hundreds of dollars we're most likely not going to get back. Man, we just really can't catch a break. These past two years we've been trying to get a decent car within our budget and with our luck, either something would fall through or we'd have an emergency that wiped our savings, putting us back at square one again. I thought we could finally catch a break and say goodbye to the junker we currently use with no front windows or air conditioning, and I could finally learn how to drive, but it's been all put on hold yet again.

Sometimes you just need a greasy, delicious meal to numb the pain a little bit.

Art Fight starts tomorrow! I'm excited, this past week has been productive for me so I'm hoping this will help me keep up my streak and I'll finally get to draw for a bunch of peeps here on NC too! I only uploaded Iris, I contemplated uploading my NMH assassin sona but I haven't finished the reference for her yet. Oh, and I designed a fursona! Some people think Iris is my fursona, but she is not! She is my daughter and I love her very much. I can't wait for Summer to be over so I can do her faceup. I really like her, I don't think she'll ever replace Iris as my site mascot but I do like how she came out, and I'll make a full, finished reference of her later for fun.

I finally felt like picking up TMGS 3 earlier this month. I think I was saving it for a rainy day because I knew I'd be sad once I had experienced them all, but I was in the mood to play an otoge again. I love the fashion system and I'm excited for 3P mode and making the boys fight over me, it makes up for most of them being kind of bland! I don't know, no one has really caught my attention compared to the last two games, but that could change as I get their affection up. I don't have a favorite so far despite being drawn to Konno and Kouichi when I first started.

I will say though, even though the boys haven't captured my heart, the girls have!! Miyo and Karen are the best girls in the whole series and I wish you could date them too... Karen especially, she's such a tease!! And she's tall and stands up for the MC when Kouichi is being mean, and points out that Konno is a fashion disaster. She's so perfect. I'm so glad the third game did away with rival mode, bombs, and that horrific chocolate stirring mini game.

I'll have to make a whole page dedicated to this series, it definitely deserves more than just a little review on my play log with how much time I've spent with it the past year. Konami captured lightning in a bottle with Girl's Side, these games are so addicting.